Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Morty Comix # 3206

Morty Comix # 3206 created Oct. 4, 2019. I think I was watching a Randolph Scott Western when I was drawing this.

Morty Comix # 3205

Morty Comix # 3205 created Oct. 3, 2019. A dog-man smoking a cigarette, a cat, a guy with a creature growing out of his cranium. Pretty normal for a Morty Comix.

Morty Comix # 3204

Morty Comix # 3204 created Oct. 2, 2019. Humans who defy gravity seems to have been a theme in my drawings since childhood. Somehow I have never been too successful at it myself.

Morty Comix # 3203

Morty Comix # 3203, drawn Oct. 1, 2019. Getting back in the groove.

Morty Comix # 3202

Morty Comix # 3202 drawn Sept. 30, 2019. My daughter Rose moved back in with me along with her three terrific cats. So I tried my hand at capturing their presence starting with issue # 3201.

Morty Comix # 2960

Morty Comix # 2960 drawn Sept. 23, 2018. This issue could use more cowbell.

Morty Comix # 2959

Morty Comix # 2959, drawn Sept. 22, 2018.  I was probably trying on which mood to have that day.